REMEMBER SEPTEMBER: is it time to get back into your Pilates routine? If you have (perhaps understandably) neglected your exercise regime over the summer, remember to book your return to action now!



Our spinal specialist, Wendie, whom many of you will know and who has been with us from the beginning, has usually seen patients who have been referred to her by consultants, but she is now available for self-referral.

This means that, if you have a spinal problem  – perhaps you have tried treatments that have not worked, or maybe you need your MRI scan explained to you – you can now refer yourself to Wendie.

Wendie has had a long and illustrious career, working in our area for over thirty years. She is an extremely kind, compassionate and generous person, specialising in complex or difficult spinal issues.

She will discuss your condition with you, explain it and any scans, and talk through the clinical implications. Her approach is very much an exercise-based one: if anyone can give you the confidence and the ability to get moving again, Wendie can!

If you are struggling to resolve a spinal problem, please consider booking an appointment with Wendie.


PODIATRY: please book ahead for your feet!
Just a gentle reminder that we are very low on appointment availability for podiatry, so why not book your next visit as you leave your last one? The weeks go past so quickly – don’t they? – and you may be disappointed if you leave booking your appointment until the week before you need it.
Thank You





DON’T RUN INTO TROUBLE: the autumn racing season beckons

With events such as the Denmead 10km (8th October) and the Great South Run (15th October) on the horizon, you runners are no doubt finetuning your training. We are here if you need us. If you are building up your mileage and get

 a niggle, come and see us before it gets too serious. You certainly don’t want to put in all of that hard work, only to break down on the day.

We can probably recommend a programme of stretching and/or strengthening that will deliver you to the start line in fine fettle! And if you do need to stop running temporarily, our AlterG anti-gravity treadmill can keep your running fitness going in the meantime.

Finally, Louise’s pre- and post-race massages are very popular, so she does get booked up. Book yours now!




you may have noticed that we have a new range of aromatherapy products at reception. The Scentered FEEL GREAT aromatherapy balm sticks come in DE-STRESS (chamomile, neroli &amp

; mandarin), BE HAPPY (grapefruit, lemon myrtle & spearmint) and SLEEP WELL (palmarosa, lavender & ylang ylang) varieties. Why not try one or more yourself or buy a pack as a thoughtful gift for a friend?


Get In Touch

Call us on 023 9223 3288
Email us at
Opening Hours
Mon Wed Thurs: 8.30am - 7.30pm
Tues Fri: 8.30am - 5pm
Saturdays: 9am - 1pm

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