Manual Lymphatic Drainage: a new offering


Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a wonderfully gentle yet hugely effective treatment (“one of
the health world’s best kept secrets”), which is used to speed the removal of toxins and swelling
from the body. Among those for whom it is most appropriate are those who want to detox, and
those with unwanted swelling or excess fluid from any cause, which can include pregnancy or breast
cancer treatment.

You may have seen that our colleague Louise has recently completed her MLD qualification after
long and intensive training, culminating in practical and theoretical examinations. In fact, Louise
qualified in the Dr. Vodder School of MLD, which is the most respected centre for this particular

“MLD is amazing,” says Louise, “the lightness of the touch that I use belies the powerful nature of its
effect. You will have heard of lymph nodes, which we all have in different parts of our body. The
lymphatic system plays a vital role in helping us to fight infection, getting rid of waste products,
bacteria and excess fluid.

“With such important jobs to do, you can see that any degradation in the performance of our
lymphatic system would have a significant impact on our health. What MLD works to do is to
reassert your system’s optimum function, relieving fluid congestion and promoting the healing of
chronic conditions. In addition to these internal benefits, patients report feeling relaxed and clear headed after a treatment.

“Those whom I treat with MLD are often a medical referral, but you are welcome to book an
appointment yourself, if you feel that MLD could help you. I do not use any oils or powders during
the treatment, so MLD is completely safe for everybody.”
We will be adding Louise’s MLD service to our portfolio of offerings in the near future, so please do
watch out for announcements – and to book your first appointment

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Call us on 023 9223 3288
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Opening Hours
Mon Wed Thurs: 8.30am - 7.30pm
Tues Fri: 8.30am - 5pm
Saturdays: 9am - 1pm

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