The media says 2023’s the Year of Pilates, but we’ve been fans for decades You will almost certainly have heard of Pilates. You may even have done it. Perhaps you’ve seen that we offer it here at Grosvenor and been intrigued. Maybe you even have a niggle, a pain or a soreness – and you wonder if it might help. Please read on – at Grosvenor, we passionately believe in the benefits of Pilates. We feel that it is the one fitness “fad” that has definitely proven itself and deservedly passed into the mainstream of physical programmes. (The Royal Osteoporosis Society, among many other respected bodies, promotes Pilates.)


What is it?

Pilates is a mat-based sequence of planned, co-ordinated movements, which strengthen, stretch and condition the body, as well as promoting balance, bone health and body awareness, with injury prevention or rehabilitation and mood enhancement as important by-products.


Who can do it?

Anyone can do Pilates; you go at your own pace; but it’s progressive, so gradually you will do more. Whatever your age or starting physical condition, Pilates can be a major factor in you reclaiming your physical abilities and thus your physical freedom. We would go so far as to say that Pilates is the ideal workout for our post-Covid selves, for those of us who realise, more than ever, the importance of taking responsibility for our own well-being. Whilst we all tried to keep a fitness programme going during the pandemic – didn’t we?! – attempting to follow a workout on Youtube just isn’t a patch on the truly supportive atmosphere of an in-person class – especially one as inclusive as Pilates. Sound too good to be true?

“Pilates has greatly improved my balance and posture, and it has taught me to use my core muscles effectively in everyday tasks. All this is thanks to the Return to Fitness classes at the Grosvenor Clinic, and especially Karen’s care and expertise in selecting and grading the exercises. Many, many thanks.” – Jim

“Grosvenor have put me back together so many times over the years, and I am grateful to Jo and Karen for neck treatment, treatment for sciatica and recovery from a broken bone, plus foot problems. Always good advice and effective exercise plans.”


Why consider Pilates at Grosvenor?

Peace of mind: we are with you every step of the way. We won’t just book you into a class and leave you to find your own way, we will work to understand your starting physical condition, and talk you through your every movement, on your entry into the world of Pilates.

Experienced eyes: our instructors have decades of Pilates experience each, and this, together with our maximum class size of 8, means that you are always working under their watchful eyes. You do the movements correctly – and therefore safely.

It’s your journey: we recommend Pilates to many of our physiotherapy, clinical massage and rehabilitation clients, and we are delighted when they no longer need those other services because of the all-round conditioning that this one programme provides. With the new year upon us, Pilates classes are filling up faster than ever – please contact us now to book your slot or join a waiting list.

Get In Touch

Call us on 023 9223 3288
Email us at
Opening Hours
Mon Wed Thurs: 8.30am - 7.30pm
Tues Fri: 8.30am - 5pm
Saturdays: 9am - 1pm

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