As a frontline healthcare provider the government have confirmed that Physiotherapists and Podiatrists are needed to address and help with your healthcare . The advice received from Public Health England and from our professional bodies is that as along as we take the necessary steps, we are safe to treat.

These necessary steps include:

  • assuring patients WE ARE STILL OPEN:

  • Please do not attend the clinic if you or a member of your household, have been diagnosed with or have symptoms of COVID-19 within the last 14 days as you should be self- isolating

  • Everyone (patients and visitors) will be asked to use alcohol gel on entering the premises or a sink and hand wash is available if you would rather use soap

  • Disinfecting:

    • all equipment including couches will be disinfected between patients

    • any card machines will be disinfected between use

  • We will provide:

    • a sealed bin for used paper towels and tissues

    • signs in public places (sink and hand gel stations) showing proper hand washing technique

  • Keeping our social media updated with latest clinic advice

  • If you need further general guidance please go to GOV.UK or Public Health Englands websites

Get In Touch

Call us on 023 9223 3288
Email us at
Opening Hours
Mon Wed Thurs: 8.30am - 7.30pm
Tues Fri: 8.30am - 5pm
Saturdays: 9am - 1pm

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