• You will need to be screened as part of our risk assessment and follow our new procedures in place. This is to keep you, your family, staff and clinicians as safe as possible.

  • Once an appointment has been made you will receive a confirmation email. In this email will be your appointment details and 2 links to google forms. One will be a registration form and health questionnaire and the other will be a COVID-19 screening form. Please complete these forms before your appointment and they will be reviewed by a clinician and if anything is of concern we will call you to ask a few questions before your session to make sure it is safe to go ahead.

  • On the day of your appointment if you feel unwell please do not attend and contact the clinic. We will happily re-book your appointment when appropriate.

  • Please arrive at your appointment time and not before. If you are early please wait in your car or outside.

  • Please read the notices on the door, gel your hands and press the buzzer for entry (located to the left of the door on the wall). You will then be buzzed in, the door is not automatic please push the handle firmly and enter.

  • On arrival you will be further screened for any COVID-19 symptoms and your temperature will be taken.

  • Please use the alcohol gel provided or hand washing facilities are available

  • There is likely to be close contact during the treatment therfore clinicians will be wearing appropriate PPE and following hand washing guidelines.

  • Face coverings are essential in the communcal areas unless you are exempt. We will have a small number available for purchase in the clinic.

  • Any materials such as exercise sheets will be emailed to you after your session.

  • Payment is best via card and contactless payment or bank transfer.

  • If you have any questions or concerns please do speak to a member of the team.

Get In Touch

Call us on 023 9223 3288
Email us at
Opening Hours
Mon Wed Thurs: 8.30am - 7.30pm
Tues Fri: 8.30am - 5pm
Saturdays: 9am - 1pm

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