Only Autumn Leaves Should Fall: help avoid accidents this season



Only autumn leaves should fall: help to avoid accidents this season. As the weather gets colder and the days shorter, it is time to recognise once again that autumn and winter present more mobility challenges than the warmer seasons.

We all want to avoid falling, so here are five simple exercises to help your balance – standing on one leg, heel raises, mini squats, side stride walking and hip flexors.

They take very little time to perform, but they can make a significant difference to your balance and mobility.

And here are some further tips to avoid falls:
Always wear well-fitting, appropriate footwear, indoors and out.
Unless the rubber on the end of your walking aid is intact, it won’t give you the support you need.
Trip hazards, such as rugs and mats, should be removed or secured.
Uneven pavements and tree roots, hidden under fallen leaves, can also trip you up.
Make sure that your feet are in a healthy condition, so that you have full sensation in them.
Nights that draw in quickly, and gloomier days, demand bright lighting for you to move safely.


As always, if balance or mobility does become an issue, please seek advice.
Click here for the balance exercises on You Tube
SIMPLY FEET: as you know, we don’t stock many products here at Grosvenor, but we make sure that those we do offer you are of the highest quality. Simply Feet foot cream is one such, containing as it does urea, which is both a natural moisturiser, drawing water into your skin, and a natural exfoliator, removing dead cells so that the moisture can penetrate more deeply and more easily into your skin.
RECRUITING: more staff means more convenience for you

We are actively looking to expand our established team with at least one more podiatrist and one more physiotherapist, so if you are interested or know someone who might be, please take a look at the details on our website and get in touch!

With client numbers increasing all the time, having more staff will allow us to offer you the appointments that you need more quickly and more conveniently more of the time!

GREAT SOUTH RUN: good luck from all of us!
Good luck to everyone who has entered the Great South Run on 15th October. We hope that your training has gone well, and that you have a successful and enjoyable day – and that it’s not too windy in the last few miles!!

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Mon Wed Thurs: 8.30am - 7.30pm
Tues Fri: 8.30am - 5pm
Saturdays: 9am - 1pm

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